Τρίτη 26 Ιανουαρίου 2016

For the Intellectual Destruction

She had a home but it wasn't built with stone or concrete.
Her body was her home-the only home she'd ever known.
But she had to share this home with two other homeless souls.
And each soul had a spirit within.
The other two had two dragons-Morgone and Daemorge.
And two wolves-Morganess and Dallyamorge.
Mysterious elves, dark fairies, gothic mermaids.
But by her side-what did she have?
She only had a damaged, confused and clumsy horse.
Only nothingness and bare feet she had.
A mortal horse.
But that horse could walk and run on the ground.
And swim playfully in lakes at night.
While raising its head up to the shiniest skies.
And so she was the strongest one.

So that's what she got.
Human bravery and wilderness-a wild mind.
A mind that couldn't be tamed by any creature-human or demon.
But there was a strict curse on her.
Ever since she was a newborn, she was cursed.
Cursed to live in this body of hatred and mutual destruction.
For both souls desired to rule this home of bones.
Cursed to survive both worlds-the internal and the external.
For thy spirit to be eternal, she had to.
And she attempted to fight the demons inside.
Several times in her life, she did.
But the only attempt that shined was the brilliant one.
The one that obtained her the glorious possibility.
The possibility of Death.
The control of both Death and Life.
On a sharp knife she stood barefoot and innocent.
For she was the strongest one.

And from this moment her heart was darkened nevermore.
Her dreams were breathed into nightmares no more.
Thy spirits were seperated and declared peace.
They no longer desired to release the Erebus.
The Erebus of the depth of Darkness.
For the souls could not survive without the home of bones.
And they knew that now she had power on thy skeleton of Misery.
So she controls both the souls and their spirits.
And makes them work together to fight the external ones.
For the Evil has now jumped out of their will.
And runs in the unknown blood of other people around her.
Whose demons and souls are still untamed.
And envy her menacing success.
But now she knows she is the strongest one.

What demons could rule this madness if not her?"

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